Monday, November 15, 2010

Facts About Antarctica

The South Pole is considered the coldest spot on Earth and it’s the least traveled continent. Here’s some facts you may not have known about this icy place.

1)Out of 17 penguin species, only 6 can be found in Antarctica.
2)In the water surrounding Antarctica are whales, seals and fish.
3)The temperature is always below freezing, the lowest reaching -129 degrees in 1983.
4)Antarctica holds 1/3 of the fresh water that can be found on Earth.
5)All the countries of the world have agreed to investigate this continent and use it for science purposes.
6)The snow on Antartica often turns to ice because it never gets a chance to melt.
7)The South pole is the fifth largest continent on the planet with 98% of it covered in ice and snow.
8)McMurdo Station, the largest research station on Antarctica, hosts about 1,100 researchers each summer. In the winter, only 200 stay and work hereRead more

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